Yang Min: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water for the Public

This article (or presentation) rigorously and systematically addresses the challenges and practical issues China faces regarding drinking water safety. Researcher Yang Min and her team, through technological innovation, have conducted in-depth studies and achieved breakthroughs in key areas such as source protection, water quality testing, and purification treatment. Their work closely aligns with public needs and aims to eliminate concerns about drinking water quality, using scientific methods to ensure that every drop of water reaching households meets safety standards. Rich in both scientific knowledge dissemination and humanistic concern, it clearly outlines how scientific progress is gradually transformed into practical applications, significantly enhancing China’s drinking water safety assurance. Reading this article helps the public understand and appreciate the diligent efforts and significant achievements of researchers in ensuring access to safe drinking water, making it an important contribution to popularizing science, reflecting contemporary development, and addressing public welfare.

This work was supported by projects such as the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, for which we are grateful!

Min Yang
Min Yang
Professor of Environmental Engneering