Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS

The algal-derived odor (2-Methylisoborneol, MIB) affects 40% of water source reservoirs in China and is challenging to remove using conventional treatment methods. It has become a key factor in limiting drinking water quality compliance. With the support of projects such as the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, breakthroughs were made in overcoming the limitations of traditional morphological and molecular methods for algal species identification. A high-throughput single-cell-based gene fusion technology was developed for precise identification of odor-producing algae. The NBA4MPC (Nature-Based Approaches for Mitigating MIB-Producing Cyanobacteria) technology was proposed to control harmful algae that produce MIB in source water reservoirs, thereby reducing the source of drinking water odor. These achievements provide systematic solutions for controlling drinking water odor in Beijing and Shanghai and have supported the optimized operation of 19 water source projects. Additionally, an industry guideline for odor control technology was compiled.