--- title: "Shiny Web App" output: html_document runtime: shiny --- ```{r include = FALSE} library(shiny) library(viridis) ``` You've seen the Maunga Whau volcano displayed in a variety of colors. Now pick your favorite. ```{r echo = FALSE} selectInput("colors", "Choose a color palette", choices = c("viridis", "magma", "inferno", "plasma", "heat", "terrain", "topographic", "cyan/magenta", "rainbow")) colorPalette <- reactive({ switch(input$colors, "viridis" = viridis(200), "magma" = viridis(200, option = "A"), "inferno" = viridis(200, option = "B"), "plasma" = viridis(200, option = "C"), "heat" = heat.colors(200), "terrain" = terrain.colors(200), "topographic" = topo.colors(200), "cyan/magenta" = cm.colors(200), "rainbow" = rainbow(200)) }) renderPlot({ image(volcano, col = colorPalette()) }) ```