* Streamline narrative for new chapters and part name
* Add to do note to add sizing for faceted plots
* Minor edits, function updates, figure alt text
* Revert references to vars() in facets, use formula
* Spell check, colo*u*r, comma after r in chunk def
* Streamline fig.alt language
* If eval = FALSE, don't need fig.alt
* Fix sentence fragment
I don't know if it was meant to be this way, because it's actually not weird to say `data time` but assuming it was meant to be `date time` I amended:
regular data time `lubridate::as_date_time()` -> regular date time `lubridate::as_date_time()`
According to the output and documentation, `.drop` was deprecated as an argument. I'd propose just removing this chunk and adding a comment in the original `unnest(glance)` pipeline
We can include levels with no observations in dplyr::count() now with the .drop = FALSE argument setting. I changed the wording and added an example. Please feel free to amend text wording and remove example if you wish.
In transform.Rmd (Chapter 5, Data Transformation), under Counts (5.6.3),
we removed na.rm = TRUE when computing mean because all NAs for
arr_delay were already removed when creating not_cancelled dataset.
* No need to load ggplot2, tidyverse is loaded
* Add motivation for why to pivot + minor edits
* Add an exercise on making a contingency table
* Use index.Rmd instead of rmd to make the build work
* Case study should be sentence case
* Make figure more legible and don't rely on color alone
* Streamline example + names_transform
* Potential pathway for more advanced pivot_wider
* Pivot even wider example + new unite exercise
* Update case study to use full feature pivot_wider
* Change the pregnancy exercise
* Fix chapter reference
* Remove century example since first 2 digits is not century
* Add caption to floating figure
* Align parens
* Fix referencing
* Add alt text to all chunks with plots or figures
* Remove unused figure (related to year -> century)
* Make subparts of exercises alphabetical
* Remove references to names_transform, use mutate()
* Fix code style
* Few more chp/sec reference fixes
* Put line break back