Noodling on other writing systems

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Hadley Wickham 2021-04-28 08:43:44 -05:00
parent a8004b94ea
commit a813ee1d84
1 changed files with 67 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -348,9 +348,7 @@ babynames %>%
### Exercises
1. What word has the highest number of vowels?
What word has the highest proportion of vowels?
(Hint: what is the denominator?)
1. What word has the highest number of vowels? What word has the highest proportion of vowels? (Hint: what is the denominator?)
## Introduction to regular expressions
@ -469,15 +467,8 @@ tibble(sentence = sentences) %>%
### Exercises
1. In the previous example, you might have noticed that the regular expression matched "flickered", which is not a colour. Modify the regex to fix the problem.
<!-- -->
1. Find all words that come after a "number" like "one", "two", "three" etc.
Pull out both the number and the word.
2. Find all contractions.
Separate out the pieces before and after the apostrophe.
2. Find all words that come after a "number" like "one", "two", "three" etc. Pull out both the number and the word.
3. Find all contractions. Separate out the pieces before and after the apostrophe.
## Strings -\> Columns
@ -532,17 +523,38 @@ starwars %>%
3. What does splitting with an empty string (`""`) do?
Experiment, and then read the documentation.
## Other languages {#other-languages}
## Other writing systems {#other-languages}
Unicode is a system for representing the many writing systems used around the world.
Fundamental unit is a **code point**.
This usually represents something like a letter or symbol, but might also be formatting like a diacritic mark or a (e.g.) the skin tone of an emoji.
Encoding, and why not to trust `Encoding`.
As a general rule, we recommend using UTF-8 everywhere, converting as a early as possible (i.e. by using the `encoding` argument to `readr::locale()`).
All stringr functions default to the English locale.
This ensures that your code works the same way on every system, avoiding subtle bugs.
Include some examples from [<>]({.uri}.
### Length and subsetting
This seems like a straightforward computation if you're only familiar with English, but things get complex quick when working with other languages.
Include some examples from <>.
This is a problem even with European problem because Unicode provides two ways of representing characters with accents: many common characters have a special codepoint, but others can be built up from individual components.
Four most common are Latin, Chinese, Arabic, and Devangari, which represent three different systems of writing systems:
- Latin uses an alphabet, where each consonant and vowel gets its own letter.
- Chinese.
- Arabic is an abjad, only consonants are written and vowels are optionally as diacritics.
Additionally, it's written from right-to-left, so the first letter is the letter on the far right.
- Devangari is an abugida where each symbol represents a consonant-vowel pair, , vowel notation secondary.
This is a problem even with Latin alphabets because many languages use **diacritics**, glyphs added to the basic alphabet.
This is a problem because Unicode provides two ways of representing characters with accents: many common characters have a special codepoint, but others can be built up from individual components.
x <- c("\u00e1", "a\u0301")
@ -551,7 +563,30 @@ str_length(x)
str_sub(x, 1, 1)
### Locales
### Collation rules
`coll()`: compare strings using standard **coll**ation rules.
This is useful for doing case insensitive matching.
Note that `coll()` takes a `locale` parameter that controls which rules are used for comparing characters.
Unfortunately different parts of the world use different rules!B
oth `fixed()` and `regex()` have `ignore_case` arguments, but they do not allow you to pick the locale: they always use the default locale.
You can see what that is with the following code; more on stringi later.
a1 <- "\u00e1"
a2 <- "a\u0301"
c(a1, a2)
a1 == a2
str_detect(a1, fixed(a2))
str_detect(a1, coll(a2))
The downside of `coll()` is speed; because the rules for recognising which characters are the same are complicated, `coll()` is relatively slow compared to `regex()` and `fixed()`.
### Upper and lower case
Relatively few writing systems have upper and lower case: Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic, plus a handful of lessor known languages.
Above I used `str_to_lower()` to change the text to lower case.
You can also use `str_to_upper()` or `str_to_title()`.
@ -566,9 +601,24 @@ str_to_upper(c("i", "ı"), locale = "tr")
The locale is specified as a ISO 639 language code, which is a two or three letter abbreviation.
If you don't already know the code for your language, [Wikipedia]( has a good list.
If you don't already know the code for your language, [Wikipedia]( has a good list, and you can see which are supported with `stringi::stri_locale_list()`.
If you leave the locale blank, it will use English.
The locale also affects case-insensitive matching, which `coll(ignore_case = TRUE)` which you can control with `coll()`:
i <- c("Iİiı")
str_view_all(i, coll("i", ignore_case = TRUE))
str_view_all(i, coll("i", ignore_case = TRUE, locale = "tr"))
You can also do case insensitive matching this `fixed(ignore_case = TRUE)`, but this uses a simple approximation which will not work in all cases.
### Sorting
Unicode collation algorithm: <>
Another important operation that's affected by the locale is sorting.
The base R `order()` and `sort()` functions sort strings using the current locale.
If you want robust behaviour across different computers, you may want to use `str_sort()` and `str_order()` which take an additional `locale` argument:
@ -582,50 +632,3 @@ str_sort(x, locale = "haw") # Hawaiian
TODO: add connection to `arrange()`
### `coll()`
Beware using `fixed()` with non-English data.
It is problematic because there are often multiple ways of representing the same character.
For example, there are two ways to define "á": either as a single character or as an "a" plus an accent:
a1 <- "\u00e1"
a2 <- "a\u0301"
c(a1, a2)
a1 == a2
They render identically, but because they're defined differently, `fixed()` doesn't find a match.
Instead, you can use `coll()`, defined next, to respect human character comparison rules:
str_detect(a1, fixed(a2))
str_detect(a1, coll(a2))
`coll()`: compare strings using standard **coll**ation rules.
This is useful for doing case insensitive matching.
Note that `coll()` takes a `locale` parameter that controls which rules are used for comparing characters.
Unfortunately different parts of the world use different rules!
# That means you also need to be aware of the difference
# when doing case insensitive matches:
i <- c("I", "İ", "i", "ı")
str_subset(i, coll("i", ignore_case = TRUE))
str_subset(i, coll("i", ignore_case = TRUE, locale = "tr"))
Both `fixed()` and `regex()` have `ignore_case` arguments, but they do not allow you to pick the locale: they always use the default locale.
You can see what that is with the following code; more on stringi later.
The downside of `coll()` is speed; because the rules for recognising which characters are the same are complicated, `coll()` is relatively slow compared to `regex()` and `fixed()`.