diff --git a/EDA.qmd b/EDA.qmd index 20ce19b..5ebe7b7 100644 --- a/EDA.qmd +++ b/EDA.qmd @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ For example, in `nycflights13::flights`[^eda-1], missing values in the `dep_time So you might want to compare the scheduled departure times for cancelled and non-cancelled times. You can do this by making a new variable with `is.na()`. -[^eda-1]: Remember that when need to be explicit about where a function (or dataset) comes from, we'll use the special form `package::function()` or `package::dataset`. +[^eda-1]: Remember that when we need to be explicit about where a function (or dataset) comes from, we'll use the special form `package::function()` or `package::dataset`. ```{r} #| fig-alt: >