More on strings

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Hadley Wickham 2021-04-26 14:49:14 -05:00
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commit 807795af45
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@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ str_split(x, " ")[[1]]
str_split(x, boundary("word"))[[1]]
Show how `separate_rows()` is a special case of `str_split()` + `summarise()`.
## Replace with function
## Locations
@ -217,17 +219,5 @@ The main difference is the prefix: `str_` vs. `stri_`.
unite("date", month:day, sep = "-", remove = FALSE)
5. You can also pass a vector of integers to `sep`. `separate()` will interpret the integers as positions to split at.
Positive values start at 1 on the far-left of the strings; negative value start at -1 on the far-right of the strings.
Use `separate()` to represent location information in the following tibble in two columns: `state` (represented by the first two characters) and `county`.
Do this in two ways: using a positive and a negative value for `sep`.
baker <- tribble(
"FLBaker County",
"GABaker County",
"ORBaker County",
5. Write a function that turns (e.g.) a vector `c("a", "b", "c")` into the string `a, b, and c`.
Think carefully about what it should do if given a vector of length 0, 1, or 2.

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@ -169,6 +169,20 @@ Like with mathematical expressions, if precedence ever gets confusing, use paren
str_view(c("grey", "gray"), "gr(e|a)y")
When you have complex logical conditions (e.g. match a or b but not c unless d) it's often easier to combine multiple `str_detect()` calls with logical operators, rather than trying to create a single regular expression.
For example, here are two ways to find all words that don't contain any vowels:
# Find all words containing at least one vowel, and negate
no_vowels_1 <- !str_detect(words, "[aeiou]")
# Find all words consisting only of consonants (non-vowels)
no_vowels_2 <- str_detect(words, "^[^aeiou]+$")
identical(no_vowels_1, no_vowels_2)
The results are identical, but I think the first approach is significantly easier to understand.
If your regular expression gets overly complicated, try breaking it up into smaller pieces, giving each piece a name, and then combining the pieces with logical operations.
### Exercises
1. Create regular expressions to find all words that:

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@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
This chapter introduces you to strings in R.
You'll learn the basics of how strings work and how to create them by hand.
Big topic so spread over three chapters.
Big topic so spread over three chapters: here we'll focus on the basic mechanics, in Chapter \@ref(regular-expressions) we'll dive into the details of regular expressions the sometimes cryptic language for describing patterns in strings, and we'll return to strings later in Chapter \@ref(programming-with-strings) when we think about them about from a programming perspective (rather than a data analysis perspective).
Base R contains many functions to work with strings but we'll generally avoid them here because they can be inconsistent, which makes them hard to remember.
Instead, we'll use stringr which is designed to be as consistent as possible, and all of its functions start with `str_`.
The common `str_` prefix is particularly useful if you use RStudio, because typing `str_` will trigger autocomplete, allowing you to see all stringr functions:
While base R contains functions that allow us to perform pretty much all of the operations described in this chapter, here we're going to use the **stringr** package.
stringr has been carefully designed to be as consistent as possible so that knowledge gained about one function can be more easily transferred to the next.
stringr functions all start with the same `str_` prefix.
This is particularly useful if you use RStudio, because typing `str_` will trigger autocomplete, allowing you to see all stringr's functions:
```{r, echo = FALSE}
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ knitr::include_graphics("screenshots/stringr-autocomplete.png")
### Prerequisites
This chapter will focus on the **stringr** package for string manipulation, which is part of the core tidyverse.
We'll also work with the babynames dataset.
```{r setup, message = FALSE}
@ -25,7 +27,9 @@ library(babynames)
## Creating a string
You can create strings with either single quotes or double quotes.
To begin, let's discuss the mechanics of creating a string.
We've created strings in passing earlier in the book, but didn't discuss the details.
First, there are two basic ways to create a string: using either single quotes (`'`) or double quotes (`"`).
Unlike other languages, there is no difference in behaviour.
I recommend always using `"`, unless you want to create a string that contains multiple `"`.
@ -41,7 +45,9 @@ If you forget to close a quote, you'll see `+`, the continuation character:
If this happen to you, press Escape and try again!
If this happen to you, press Escape and try again.
### Escapes
To include a literal single or double quote in a string you can use `\` to "escape" it:
@ -50,27 +56,25 @@ double_quote <- "\"" # or '"'
single_quote <- '\'' # or "'"
That means if you want to include a literal backslash, you'll need to double it up: `"\\"`.
Beware that the printed representation of a string is not the same as string itself, because the printed representation shows the escapes.
To see the raw contents of the string, use `writeLines()`:
Which means if you want to include a literal backslash, you'll need to double it up: `"\\"`:
x <- c("\"", "\\")
backslash <- "\\"
As shown above, you can combine strings into a (character) vector with `c()`:
Beware that the printed representation of a string is not the same as string itself, because the printed representation shows the escapes.
To see the raw contents of the string, use `str_view()`:
c("one", "two", "three")
x <- c(single_quote, double_quote, backslash)
### Raw strings
Creating a string with multiple quotes or backslashes gets confusing quickly.
For example, lets create a string that contains the contents of the chunk above:
For example, lets create a string that contains the contents of the chunk where I define the `double_quote` and `single_quote` variables:
tricky <- "double_quote <- \"\\\"\" # or '\"'
@ -78,7 +82,9 @@ single_quote <- '\\'' # or \"'\""
In R 4.0.0 and above, you can use a **raw** string to reduce the amount of escaping:
You can instead use a **raw string**[^strings-1] to reduce the amount of escaping:
[^strings-1]: Available in R 4.0.0 and above.
tricky <- r"(double_quote <- "\"" # or '"'
@ -88,37 +94,35 @@ str_view(tricky)
A raw string starts with `r"(` and finishes with `)"`.
If your string contains `)"` you can instead use `r"[]"` or `r"{}"`, and if that's still not enough, you can insert any number of dashes to make the opening and closing pairs unique: `` `r"--()--" ``.
If your string contains `)"` you can instead use `r"[]"` or `r"{}"`, and if that's still not enough, you can insert any number of dashes to make the opening and closing pairs unique, e.g. `` `r"--()--" ``, `` `r"---()---" ``,etc.
### Other special characters
As well as `\"`, `\'`, and `\\` there are a handful of other special characters that may come in handy. The most common are `"\n"`, newline, and `"\t"`, tab, but you can see the complete list by requesting help on `"` with `?'"'` or `?"'"`.
As well as `\"`, `\'`, and `\\` there are a handful of other special characters that may come in handy. The most common are `"\n"`, newline, and `"\t"`, tab, but you can see the complete list in `?'"'`.
You'll also sometimes see strings containing Unicode escapes like `"\u00b5"`.
This is a way of writing non-English characters that works on all platforms:
You'll also sometimes see strings containing Unicode escapes that start with `\u` or `\U`.
This is a way of writing non-English characters that works on all systems:
x <- "\u00b5"
x <- c("\u00b5", "\U0001f604")
## Combining strings
To combine two or more strings, use `str_c()`:
Use `str_c()`[^strings-2] to join together multiple strings into a single string:
[^strings-2]: `str_c()` is very similar to the base `paste0()`.
There are two main reasons I use it here: it obeys the usual rules for handling `NA`, and it uses the tidyverse recycling rules.
str_c("x", "y")
str_c("x", "y", "z")
Use the `sep` argument to control how they're separated:
str_c("x", "y", sep = ", ")
Like most other functions in R, missing values are contagious.
As usual, if you want to show a different value, use `coalesce()`:
You can use `coalesce()` to replace missing values with a value of your choosing:
x <- c("abc", NA)
@ -126,7 +130,12 @@ str_c("|-", x, "-|")
str_c("|-", coalesce(x, ""), "-|")
Since `str_c()` creates a new variable, you'll usually use it with a `mutate()`:
starwars %>%
mutate(greeting = str_c("Hi! I'm ", name, "."), .after = name)
Another powerful way of combining strings is with the glue package.
You can either use `glue::glue()` or call it via the `str_glue()` wrapper that string provides for you.
@ -139,15 +148,20 @@ str_glue("|-{x}-|")
Like `str_c()`, `str_glue()` pairs well with `mutate()`:
starwars %>% mutate(
intro = str_glue("Hi my is {name} and I'm a {species} from {homeworld}"),
.keep = "none"
starwars %>%
intro = str_glue("Hi! My is {name} and I'm a {species} from {homeworld}"),
.keep = "none"
You can use any valid R code inside of `{}`, but we recommend placing more complex calculations in their own variables.
## Length and subsetting
For example, `str_length()` tells you the length of a string:
It's also natural to think about the letters that make up an individual string.
(But note that the idea of a "letter" isn't a natural fit to every language, we'll come back to that in Section \@ref(other-languages)).
For example, `str_length()` tells you the length, the number of characters:
str_length(c("a", "R for data science", NA))
@ -157,20 +171,30 @@ You could use this with `count()` to find the distribution of lengths of US baby
babynames %>%
count(length = str_length(name))
count(length = str_length(name), wt = n)
You can extract parts of a string using `str_sub()`.
As well as the string, `str_sub()` takes `start` and `end` arguments which give the (inclusive) position of the substring:
As well as the string, `str_sub()` takes `start` and `end` arguments which give the (inclusive) characters to start and end at:
x <- c("Apple", "Banana", "Pear")
str_sub(x, 1, 3)
# negative numbers count backwards from end
You can use negative values to count back from the end of the string: -1 is the last character, -2 is the second to last character, etc.
str_sub(x, -3, -1)
We could use this with `mutate()` to find the first and last letter of each name:
Note that `str_sub()` won't fail if the string is too short: it will just return as much as possible:
str_sub("a", 1, 5)
We could use `str_sub()` with `mutate()` to find the first and last letter of each name:
babynames %>%
@ -180,54 +204,78 @@ babynames %>%
Note that `str_sub()` won't fail if the string is too short: it will just return as much as possible:
Sometimes you'll get a column that's made up of individual fixed length strings that have been joined together:
str_sub("a", 1, 5)
df <- tribble(
~ sex_year_age,
Note that the idea of a "letter" isn't a natural fit to every language, so you'll need to take care if you're working with text from other languages.
We'll briefly talk about some of the issues in Section \@ref(other-languages).
You can extract the columns using `str_sub()`:
TODO: `separate()`
df %>% mutate(
sex = str_sub(sex_year_age, 1, 1),
year = str_sub(sex_year_age, 2, 5),
age = str_sub(sex_year_age, 6, 7),
Or use the `separate()` helper function:
df %>%
separate(sex_year_age, c("sex", "year", "age"), c(1, 5))
Note that you give `separate()` three columns but only two positions --- that's because you're telling `separate()` where to break up the string.
TODO: draw diagram to emphasise that it's the space between the characters.
Later on, we'll come back two related problems: the components having vary length are a separated by a character
### Exercises
1. In code that doesn't use stringr, you'll often see `paste()` and `paste0()`.
What's the difference between the two functions?
What stringr function are they equivalent to?
How do the functions differ in their handling of `NA`?
2. In your own words, describe the difference between the `sep` and `collapse` arguments to `str_c()`.
3. Use `str_length()` and `str_sub()` to extract the middle character from a string.
What will you do if the string has an even number of characters?
4. Write a function that turns (e.g.) a vector `c("a", "b", "c")` into the string `a, b, and c`.
Think carefully about what it should do if given a vector of length 0, 1, or 2.
## String summaries
You can perform the opposite operation with `summarise()` and `str_flatten()`:
To collapse a vector of strings into a single string, use `collapse`:
str_flatten(c("x", "y", "z"), ", ")
This is a great tool for `summarise()`ing character data.
Later we'll come back to the inverse of this, `separate_rows()`.
1. Use `str_length()` and `str_sub()` to extract the middle letter from each baby name. What will you do if the string has an even number of characters?
## Long strings
Sometimes the reason you care about the length of a string is because you're trying to fit it into a label.
stringr provides two useful tools for cases where your string is too long:
- `str_trunc(x, 20)` ensures that no string is longer than 20 characters, replacing any thing too long with `…`.
## Introduction to regular expressions
- `str_wrap(x, 20)` wraps a string introducing new lines so that each line is at most 20 characters (it doesn't hyphenate, however, so any word longer than 20 characters will make a longer time)
Opting out by using `fixed()`
## String summaries
`str_c()` combines multiple character vectors into a single character vector; the output is the same length as the input.
An related function is `str_flatten()`: it takes a character vector and returns a single string:
str_flatten(c("x", "y", "z"))
Just like `sum()` and `mean()` take a vector of numbers and return a single number, `str_flatten()` takes a character vector and returns a single string.
This makes `str_flatten()` a summary function for strings, so you'll often pair it with `summarise()`:
df <- tribble(
~ name, ~ fruit,
"Carmen", "banana",
"Carmen", "apple",
"Marvin", "nectarine",
"Terence", "cantaloupe",
"Terence", "papaya",
"Terence", "madarine"
df %>%
group_by(name) %>%
summarise(fruits = str_flatten(fruit, ", "))
## Detect matches
@ -239,49 +287,27 @@ x <- c("apple", "banana", "pear")
str_detect(x, "e")
This makes it a logical pairing with `filter()`:
babynames %>% filter(str_detect(name, "x"))
Remember that when you use a logical vector in a numeric context, `FALSE` becomes 0 and `TRUE` becomes 1.
That makes `sum()` and `mean()` useful if you want to answer questions about matches across a larger vector:
# How many common words start with t?
sum(str_detect(words, "^t"))
# What proportion of common words end with a vowel?
mean(str_detect(words, "[aeiou]$"))
When you have complex logical conditions (e.g. match a or b but not c unless d) it's often easier to combine multiple `str_detect()` calls with logical operators, rather than trying to create a single regular expression.
For example, here are two ways to find all words that don't contain any vowels:
# Find all words containing at least one vowel, and negate
no_vowels_1 <- !str_detect(words, "[aeiou]")
# Find all words consisting only of consonants (non-vowels)
no_vowels_2 <- str_detect(words, "^[^aeiou]+$")
identical(no_vowels_1, no_vowels_2)
The results are identical, but I think the first approach is significantly easier to understand.
If your regular expression gets overly complicated, try breaking it up into smaller pieces, giving each piece a name, and then combining the pieces with logical operations.
A common use of `str_detect()` is to select the elements that match a pattern.
This makes it a natural pairing with `filter()`.
The following regexp finds all names with repeated pairs of letters (you'll learn how that regexp works in the next chapter)
babynames %>%
filter(n > 100) %>%
count(name, wt = n) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "(..).*\\1"))
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(prop_x = mean(str_detect(name, "x")))
(Note that this gives us the proportion of names that contain an x; if you wanted the proportion of babies given a name containing an x, you'd need to perform a weighted mean).
A variation on `str_detect()` is `str_count()`: rather than a simple yes or no, it tells you how many matches there are in a string:
x <- c("apple", "banana", "pear")
str_count(x, "a")
# On average, how many vowels per word?
mean(str_count(words, "[aeiou]"))
str_count(x, "p")
It's natural to use `str_count()` with `mutate()`:
@ -306,6 +332,54 @@ babynames %>%
What word has the highest proportion of vowels?
(Hint: what is the denominator?)
## Introduction to regular expressions
Before we can continue on we need to discuss the second argument to continue to `str_detect()` --- it's not a fixed string, but a pattern, called a regular expression.
A regular expression uses special characters
str_detect(x, ".")
You can opt-out with by using `fixed`:
str_detect(x, fixed("."))
Note that regular expressions are case sensitive by default:
babynames %>% filter(str_detect(name, "X"))
babynames %>% filter(str_detect(name, fixed("X", ignore_case = TRUE)))
A common use of `str_detect()` is to select the elements that match a pattern.
This makes it a natural pairing with `filter()`.
The following regexp finds all names with repeated pairs of letters (you'll learn how that regexp works in the next chapter)
babynames %>%
filter(n > 100) %>%
count(name, wt = n) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "(..).*\\1"))
Simple patterns we'll use:
- `.` match any character
- `[abcd]` match "a", "b", "c", or "d".
- `+` means match one or more: `a+` means match one or more as in a row; `.+` means match one or more of anything; `[abcd]+` means match one of more of a/b/c/d in a row.
Can use `str_view_all()` see what a regular expression matches:
str_view_all(x, "p+")
str_view_all(x, "a.")
## Replacing matches
`str_replace_all()` allow you to replace matches with new strings.
@ -324,6 +398,8 @@ x <- c("1 house", "1 person has 2 cars", "3 people")
str_replace_all(x, c("1" = "one", "2" = "two", "3" = "three"))
`str_remove_all()` is a short cut for `str_replace_all(x, pattern, "")` --- it removes matching patterns from a string.
Use in `mutate()`
#### Exercises