diff --git a/communicate.Rmd b/communicate.Rmd index bf18854..9f8d51c 100644 --- a/communicate.Rmd +++ b/communicate.Rmd @@ -14,12 +14,20 @@ __Part 5__ discusses communication, and how you can use R Markdown to save and s knitr::include_graphics("diagrams/data-science-communicate.png") ``` +This part will conspicuously not cover one technology that I feel is essential to a particular type of communication: collaboration. Whenever you collaborate with one or more people, you can make your life much easier by using version control software, specifically Git and Github. We recommend two free resources that will teach you about Git. + +First, Hadley has written a chapter that explains how to use Git and Github, which is available online, + +[r-pkgs.had.co.nz/git.html](http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/git.html) + +Second, Jenny Bryan has written a terrific book on how R users can use git, which is also available for free online, + +[happygitwithr.com](http://happygitwithr.com) + Recommendations for learning more about communication: For writing: [Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace](http://amzn.com/0321898680), For presentations: [slide:ology](http://amzn.com/0596522347), , (academic), http://speaking.io, https://www.coursera.org/learn/public-speaking -For expository visulisations: WSJ guide? - Design: [The Non-Designer's Design Book](http://amzn.com/0133966151)